Contraceptive Information Resource
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idea! To learn more about the various methods of birth control — including facts, advantages, disadvantages and special contraceptive concerns — use the blue menu bar on the left side of each page. Select any of the contraceptive items listed to navigate between topics. Pink and tan menu items take take visitors to sister sites.


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Birth Control Facts for Everyone

An Informed Choice: Whether you are looking for information about condoms, fertility computers, the contraceptive sponge, the pill, or cycle beads, you've come to the right place. The contraceptive information provided here is designed to help you make an informed decision about birth control.

Safe Sex: Whichever method of birth control you choose, remember that, aside from abstinence, all birth control methods sometimes fail, even if used properly and consistently. Nonetheless, if you are sexually active, good contraception can greatly reduce your chances of pregnancy.


Failure Rates & Statistics: Unless otherwise noted, the statistics used here are gathered from studies of couples initiating a particular method of birth control for one year. Out of 100 women, the failure rate is the number of women who became pregnant using exclusively the birth control method indicated. Failure rates tend to be lower for couples who are married or have used the particular method of birth control in the past. Failure rates are higher for teens.

Natural Methods

Sexually Transmitted Disease Risk: Some methods, like condoms and female barrier methods, can decrease your risk of contracting an STD. Other methods, like Depo-Provera, the Pill, and spermicides, may increase your risk. Visit our STD page to learn about about how your options compare.

Teens and Birth Control

Contraceptive Facts for Teens: ContraceptINFO has information especially for teens. Read the pros and cons of the pull out method. See our contraceptive failure rates for teens and learn about state laws regarding minors access to reproductive health services. Finally, don't forget to check out our essential abstinence information.


Birth Control Update

Hormonal Methods: ContraceptINFO has expanded its selection of articles about extended-cycle birth control pills, injections, and implants. Updated facts about the newest lower dose Depo-subQ Provera 104 and the global Lunelle (Cyclofem) Injectable Contraceptive. Learn about oral contraceptive pills, like Seasonale and Quasense that result in only four periods a year, or Lybrel, that keeps your period away for a year or more. New section on breastfeeding and birth control.

Birth Control Quiz

Test Yourself: Test what you've learned at this site about contraception. Take our 15 item Birth Control IQ Quiz to test your contraceptive knowledge! [Go there now.]

Ask the Experts: ContraceptINFO has a new database of online experts waiting to answer your questions about birth control, fertility, relationships, sexually transmitted disease, sex, and pregnancy. Our Ask an Expert Online feature is powered by Kasamba. You can communicate your questions and concerns directly to qualified a doctor, therapist, or other expert by email or online chat.

Birth Control and Medical Advice: ContraceptINFO is a contraceptive educational resource with facts about birth control. This site contains information about medication, including "the pill" or oral contraceptives, the contraceptive patch, vaginal ring, contraceptive injections, and the intrauterine device (IUD), but these products are obtained by prescription from your doctor or pharmacist. This site also contains information about contraceptive devices, such as the diaphragm, cervical cap, and condom. The use of any birth control devices should be determined in consultation with your physician. All prescription methods may have side effects or health risks. All birth control poses some risk of pregnancy.

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The Pull-Out Method
ParaGard IUD
Mirena IUS
Oral Contraceptives
Birth Control Beads
FAQs about The Pill
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TwoDay Method
CycleBeads Method
Pregnancy Counseling
Essure Micro-Implant
Cervical Cap Review
Implanon Implant
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