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OCD Support Groups Online
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, like many other mental conditions, is rooted deep in a person’s psyche. As an anxiety disorder, it can get better or worse depending on the status and stability of one’s mental health, and what a given sufferer is doing to help themselves get better. Although a plethora of medicinal options exist for OCD, the talking treatment is always advisable in some capacity.
Sometimes people don’t have friends, family or co-workers that they feel comfortable talking to when it comes to OCD. This could be a result of embarrassment, shyness, loneliness or any number of factors. Luckily, the internet provides such sufferers with anonymous, free and easy-to-use means of getting in touch with people who are either undergoing or have undergone similar problems, and who want to help. A lot of these types of OCD support groups exist online.
Here is a list of the some of the more well-known OCD online support groups:
OCD Support Group at SupportGroups.com
This site has over 220 supportgroups including one for OCD. This is a great site to bring people together around life's challenges by providing concise, up-to-date information and a meeting place for individuals, their friends and families, and professionals who offer pathways to help. http://ocd.supportgroups.com/
Artists With OCD
This is an informal group for people suffering with OCD who also partake in all forms of art including but not limited to graphic arts, music, performing arts, and creative writing. Members are encouraged to share their successes and frustrations! http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Artists_With_OCD/.
Atlanta OCD
This list exists as an online source of information for people with OCD and their families in the metro Atlanta area. The subscription address is [email protected]. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/atlantaocd
Cats and OCD
The group's purpose is to discuss all aspects of cat life, including the relationship between OCD and our cats. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/OCD-cat/.
Christian Men with OCD
A sub-group of Serenity Bay. Membership in Serenity Bay (see listing below) is recommended but not mandatory. This group allows men to discuss issues which may be inappropriate for mixed-gender forums. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/serenitybaymen
Christian Women with OCD
A sub-group of Serenity Bay. Membership in Serenity Bay (see listing below) is recommended but not mandatory. This group allows women to discuss issues which may not be appropriate in mixed-gender forums. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/serenitybaywomen
Christians with Hoarding, SerenityBayHoarding
Support group for Christians with OCD and related disorders. We discuss how our lives affect our faith and how our faith affects our lives. We pray for each other, share Bible verses, cry together, laugh together, and learn to love each other (warts and all.) For improved security you will be asked to return a short questionnaire prior to approval for membership. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/serenitybay
Christians with OCD, Care-givers
A companion group to Serenity Bay, intended only for those who provide support for loved ones who suffer from OCD, depression, anxiety and other OCD-related issues. Membership in the main Serenity Bay site is not required, but may be beneficial. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/serenitybaycare
Christians with OCD, SerenityBay main group
This is an exclusive group for hoarders who are trying to understand their illness. It is a closed group for those who are struggling and dealing with their issues. There are many aspects, which contribute to this psychological illness. If you don't own the problem you will never recover. This is about obsession recovery from our stuff, it is intertwined with many other factors. We are here for Fun, Christian Fellowship and Encouragement. I am not an expert in the field but a fellow traveler who is trying to find recovery and looking for friendship. Rest assured, you are not alone. If you have trouble making decisions on where to start and what to toss, you have come to the right place. Let's work together on downsizing and tossing our clutter. "Less is More" ... our vision is to have homes that are "User Friendly" and "Company Ready" at all times. This will be a safe place to vent and share our journey. Blessings, Anna http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/SerenityBayHoarding/
DC (da Conference)
A meeting place to exchange info about upcoming Obsessive- Compulsive Foundation (OCF) conferences and a way to get to know each other. Advisor: Al Willen, OCF Webmaster. Waxing and waning list: lots of activity before and after the annual summer OCF conference. Great tourist info (different location each year), practical travel info, and lots of chatty, fun posts. Wonderful preparation for conference experience. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DC
DC (da Conference)
A meeting place to exchange info about upcoming Obsessive- Compulsive Foundation (OCF) conferences and a way to get to know each other. Advisor: Al Willen, OCF Webmaster. Waxing and waning list: lots of activity before and after the annual summer OCF conference. Great tourist info (different location each year), practical travel info, and lots of chatty, fun posts. Wonderful preparation for conference experience. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DC
OCD Self Test
Do you or a loved one feel like you might have a problem with OCD?
Take the Self Test now to get more information.
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Online Support Groups
SupportGroups.com provides a support network for those facing life's challenges. Click on the following links to get a helping hand in a confidential, caring environment.
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