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What Are the Treatments for People With OCD?


One of the most common questions about OCD is what treatment options are available. OCD treatment comes in many forms, including therapies, herbal options, psychosurgery, and more.

Even those with Treatment Refractory OCD (TR-OCD) have hope, as this formerly non-treatable obsessive compulsive disorder can now be treated with alternative behavioral therapies that are showing promise.

Medication Options

Several OCD medication options are available for compulsion sufferers. Some are drugs often meant for other, similar anxiety-based disorders while others are OCD-specific. While medication is not a permanent or complete cure, it is a way to better control OCD symptoms and allow other treatments that require more time to commence.


Various cognitive-behavior therapies are available for those who have OCD. Ever since compulsions were seen as more than just a physical "neurotic" disorder, effective therapeutics have been tried and found. Modern therapies tend to have high rates of success if the right therapy is matched to the patient and conducted diligently.

Common OCD side effects such as agoraphobia, social phobias, etc. are lessened or even cured with behavior therapies.

Herbal Options

For those eschewing patent medications, there are some herbal options known to help OCD. While research is slim and only just beginning, many "old time" remedies are being found to have merit. St. John's Wort is the most commonly used herbal treatment for OCD.


Most often used for TR-OCD and very severe Obsessive compulsive personality disorder cases, psychosurgery can be tried through neurological (brain) surgery options. This should not be confused with the non-scientific "psycho surgery" involving mind to mind connections. This latter option may be something some might try, but it is untested and unproven and thus subject to question.

Some medical practitioners and caregivers may have other options for helping those with OCD. Newer avenues of inquiry are being made into acupuncture, relaxation techniques, yoga, and more.

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