it is wonderful and God designed.
>>>>>"A gift from God"? Come on!!!!>>>>>
After a lot of prayer and reseach that is the only conclusion you can come up with
>>>>The Bible plainly teaches extencively that the flesh<<<<<
You have the wrong definition of flesh.
Masturbation is a gift of God. Sex is a gift of God to us. Sexual lust is not evil lust, it is God designed human nature. Evil lust is hurtful and harmful to humans. Masturbation is healthy. Masturbation is good. Masturbation is God designed. Masturbation is good for you. Masturbation is for everyone to enjoy.
Is Masturbation a sin? Or is masturbation a gift of God? Read my debate with Rev Dr Sir Randy Kemp on the forum. (I�m Tom or inkaboutit)
A Reply to an anti-masturbation web site.-- Is masturbation a sin?
>>>>What thoughts inspire or cater to masterbation? Lust.<<<<
Love for yourself, others, and God. God designed sexual lust. That is an important part of his sexual design.
>>>> What does a person think about before they do "the act" or while they are doing it? The act of fornication or adultry <<<<<
You have the wrong definition of these terms.
What is the definition of fornication?
Matt. 5:28 is totally misunderstood and taken out of context. "look at a women with lust...adultery"
Adultery? What are the different Bible definitions? Pro--Con of adultery. (Many links)
Survey Christians-- what % have had an affair? What % had sex before marriage? Adultery, What is it in the Bible? It is not what we teach today? for more check