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Welcome to the Epigee Birth Control Guide, a friendly, comprehensive, and award-winning site! This site exists as an educational resource and is maintained on a volunteer basis. It is not supported by any grant, pharmaceutical company, or political organization. If you have found the material on this site useful, you are encouraged to donate on behalf of this work. There are many expenses involved which your donation can help defray. If you cannot donate at this time, please consider patronizing our sponsors.

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I hope you have found this information useful. This guide is the product of a great deal of research and personal trial and error. Although I am not a medical doctor, I am glad to answer questions about birth control and related issues when possible. My responses will be based on personal experience, feedback from the many women I have encountered during my six years of volunteer counseling at the Westside Pregnancy Resource Center, a medical laboratory and crisis center, and my own sex education research.

Your feedback is appreciated. Comments and questions can be posted directly to this site. If you find information here that is no longer current or if you would like to see material added, feel free to send e-mail with your suggestions. Please also inform me if you notice any typos or bad links. (Important: do not send email with questions about birth control or possible pregnancy to this address. Please visit the Q & A page instead.)


This guide is based on the principle that the body is a temple. It is inconsistent with this ideal to promote birth control which transforms a woman's body into a battleground, where the life of her offspring or her own health and well-being are jeopardized. For this reason no methods of birth control which harm a woman or her unborn child are recommended, regardless of the age or development of the child. Women have a unique ability to give life. The taking of any life, especially that of her own child, dishonors the true feminine. Conversely, frequent pregnancies can exhaust a woman's body and exploit her natural life-giving ability.

To this end, this site is intended to educate women and men about the efficacy and use of contraception to assist couples in planning their children. There are a variety of valid religious and personal convictions held by women of conscience with regards to sex and birth control. However, it is my personal belief that sexual intimacy is most appropriate within the context of marriage, where each person has made a lifelong commitment to the other, welcoming any children conceived by their union. For more about this philosophy, please see Responsible Sexual Choices and You. Christians, please also see my article Sex, Abortion, Birth Control and Christianity.


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Important: We don't link to pornographic or sexually explicit sites--so don't ask!


Terwilliger Web Development This guide was written, researched, and made into a web site by Monnica Terwilliger Williams, M. A. She has served as Lead Counselor, On-Line Counselor, and Web Site Developer for the Westside Pregnancy Resource Center in Los Angeles, where she has worked for over six years counseling and assisting women in crisis. In 1996 she was designated as "Hometown Hero" in Focus on the Family's Citizen Magazine for outreach work to local family planning clinics. She has been involved with women's issues for ten years writing articles about sexuality, abortion, gender, and race, and has served on the board of directors of several non-profit organizations, including the OC and Spectrum Disorders Association and the Brookline Women's Shelter. Monnica has lectured on teen pregnancy and related issues and has been active in helping non-profit organizations develop a web presence. She graduated from M.I.T. in 1992 and worked in the Department of Computer Science at UCLA until June of 2000. She holds a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Virginia, where she is now a doctoral candidate studying adult psychopathology. She is currently available for presentations at conferences and seminars. Please send e-mail with inquiries or for information about starting an educational web site for your organization.

Terwilliger-Epigee • P. O. Box 5858 • Charlottesville • Virginia • 22905 • (434) 242-1902

   Visitors Since 9-5-97

 Updated: June 1, 2003