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Fertility awareness, or natural family planning, has been used successfully since the 1930's to predict a woman's fertile days. These methods are based on the fact that fertilization is most likely to occur around the time of ovulation. Intercourse is avoided during those times when a woman is fertile, thus preventing conception. Fertility awareness methods are the only methods of birth control which require the cooperation of both partners. Advantages of these methods are that they are very inexpensive, do not require the use of artificial devices or drugs, and have no harmful side-effects. In addition, many people prefer a natural, mutual method of preventing pregnancy. Even if fertility awareness isn't used as contraception, every woman can benefit from understanding the workings of her body.
Sympto-Thermal Method This method requires that a woman take her temperature every morning before she gets out of bed and record the reading. Depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle, there will be slight variations in her temperature. These variations are most easily measured with a special thermometer that has a range of only a few degrees, known as a basal thermometer. Before ovulation, the temperature is likely to be between 97.2 and 97.4 degrees F. After ovulation, it will rise by at least 0.5 degrees and is often above 98 degrees F. When the temperature stays elevated for at least three days, a woman may assume she has already ovulated. Intercourse for the rest of the cycle will not result in pregnancy. To determine the infertile time before ovulation, a woman needs to look at her pattern of previous cycles. Her last "safe" day is one week before the earliest recorded day of temperature rise, or 5 days after the first day of her period.
Intercourse during the time before ovulation is less safe than the time after ovulation because sperm have been known to live up to six days. For this reason, some couples choose to have sex only after the fertile period. This practice, known as the post-ovulatory temperature method, is the most effective of all methods of true contraception, with a failure rate of only 1% among perfect users. However, it is not recommended because it requires a very long period of abstinence.
The ovulation method, or mucus method, requires that a woman be aware of what is taking place in her body. It is based on the observation that, in the absence of mucus, no egg is present, and sperm cannot survive long enough to fertilize an egg which may later be released. During a typical monthly cycle, a woman first has a few days of menstrual bleeding, followed by a few "dry days" when the vagina seems quite dry. Then, closer to ovulation she starts to have more wetness or mucus. As ovulation approaches, the mucus becomes clear and slippery and stretches without breaking, like a raw egg white. The last day of peak wetness is right before ovulation, then come days of less mucus. If any is noticed it will be cloudy. Any time the slippery stretchy mucus is noticed, intercourse should be avoided until two days after it is all gone -- about eight days out of each cycle.
Calendar Method The calendar method, or rhythm method, is the oldest and most widely practiced method of fertility awareness. It is based on three assumptions: (1) that ovulation occurs fourteen days before the beginning of menstruation, plus or minus two days (2) that sperm remain viable for three days, and (3) that the ovum survives for twenty-four hours. For a woman with very regular cycles, she needs merely to count backwards from the first day of her period to locate the day on which she ovulated. Using this information, she can predict when ovulation will occur the following month and avoid having intercourse around that time. Most women do not ovulate at the same time each month, and no woman's cycles are identical every time. For this reason, the rhythm method is not recommended unless your cycle is always the same number of days.
Even today, breastfeeding prevents more pregnancies in the world than all other methods of birth control combined. Utilizing what is known about the endocrine system and patterns of fertility in nursing women, a highly effective, temporary method of contraception has been developed called the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM). It can be used as long as a women nurses her baby frequently and has no periods. Among breastfeeding women, menstruation will usually not occur for several months after the birth of a child. In fact, most breastfeeding women do not ovulate for four to 24 months after delivery, whereas non-breastfeeding women can ovulate as early as one or two months after delivery. The hormone that stimulates milk production decreases the hormone necessary for maintaining the menstrual cycle. For breastfeeding to act as an effective contraceptive, a woman must nurse ten or more times throughout the day and introduce no other foods into her baby's diet. Because babies need extra food at about six months, it is not recommended that this method be used beyond that time. Although nursing can act as a contraceptive for as long as three years, it will not postpone menstruation indefinitely. Many breastfeeding women will not ovulate until after the first period, but the longer LAM is used, the more likely it is that ovulation will precede the first menses. Cervical mucus changes will herald the first ovulation; a woman should start checking daily at six weeks postpartum. Pregnant women and new mothers should confer with a trained counselor before initiating LAM. Women with no periods who breastfeed without practicing LAM, have a pregnancy rate of 6% over a year. Perfect users can expect a failure rate of only 0.5%.
Withdrawal, also known as coitus interruptus, has long been used for contraception as a natural response to the discovery that ejaculation into the vagina causes pregnancy. It requires no devices, involves no chemicals, and is available in any situation at no cost. Withdrawal is accomplished when, during intercourse, the man pulls out his penis just before ejaculation. This requires much discipline. As orgasm is impending, a man may not withdraw in enough time to prevent semen from escaping into the vagina. Although withdrawal has no known side effects, interruption of the sexual response cycle can greatly diminish the pleasure of a couple. Some couples, however, have worked out these problems and use withdrawal successfully. Withdrawal is most popular among teens, the age group for which this method is also least effective. Withdrawal requires self-control and practice, which teens are generally lacking, resulting in an increased failure rate. Furthermore this method offers little protection from STDs. Lubricating fluids escape long before ejaculation; usually they contain no sperm but can transmit diseases like the AIDS virus.
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Updated: Dec. 8, 2002 |