If you or someone you know is battling anxiety issues and the resulting depression and other things that often go along with them, then you should be aware that drugs are not the only way to deal with anxiety. There are many activities, some physical and some not, that can be done alone or with friends that are both fun and mood-altering.
Here's a list of recommended activities you can use to relieve anxiety. Choose whichever ones seem right for you and remember to consult a physician before undertaking any physically strenuous activity, as some of those listed here might be.
Bike riding can be either physically demanding or just a leisurely ride through the park (or both).
Crafts of all types - woodworking, needlework, scrapbooking, etc. - are a great way to take your mind off things and relax.
Creative writing through poetry, fiction, non-fiction, or other means is a good way to exercise your mind and relieve stress.
Dancing is fun, entertaining, and can be done alone or in groups, at a club or at home.
Friends and Family can sometimes be the cause of anxiety, but are usually outlets for relief by talking, expressing your feelings, or just spending time together.
Games of any kind are usually relaxing and help you forget your anxiety for a while.
Martial arts often combine both meditation and physical activity along with self-esteeem-building. Soft arts like Tai Chi Chuan or more explosive, physical arts like Tae Kwon Do are all martial arts options.
Meditation / Prayer is a good way to relieve your mind's anxiety and find peace.
Movies with friends can be relaxing and an enjoyable way to forget things for a while.
Music, especially when practiced by those with anxiety, is a good stress reliever and has been proven to biologically alter the brain.
Outdoor adventures suited to your preference, such as fishing, hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, or even sky diving, are a great way to unwind.
Painting, Pottery or Sculpture are artistic expressions that can relieve stress and help build self-esteem.
Reading books or magazines on light subjects or fiction can help you escape for a while, inducing relaxation.
Sports like golf, baseball, basketball, etc. are good options.
Swimming is a fun, cardiovascular sport that is low-impact and very healthy.
Walking alone or with friends can be a fun social activity or a nice getaway that includes some low-impact cardio to boot.
Photo by John Nyboer