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Spectrum Disorders
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Eating Disorders and Body Image
How Parents Can Help Teens with OCD
If you think you're teen may have OCD, find out what you an do to help them overcome it:
"Do you think your teen may have an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)? If they do are you unsure on how you can help your teen overcome their obsessive compulsive disorder? To help understand what some symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder are and how you can help your teen overcome their obsessive compulsive disorder, I have interviewed therapist Judy Ho.
Tell me a little bit about yourself.
"I am a professor of psychology at Pepperdine University's Graduate School of Education and Psychology. I'm a licensed clinical psychologist, and received my undergraduate degree from UC Berkeley, and my doctoral degree from UC San Diego School of Medicine. I have over a decade of experience working with clients of all ages with a variety of challenges and issues, and have a specialty working with children and adolescents, particularly with anxiety issues including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, externalizing problems such as ADHD, and eating disorders.""
Read More: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/6135022/how_a_parent_can_help_t...

OCD Self Test
Do you or a loved one feel like you might have a problem with OCD?
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