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No Treatment for 40% of Young Adults with Autism
According to a new study, nearly 40 percent of young adults who suffer from autism don’t get sufficient help for the disorder as they become grownups.
The study, published in the February issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, noted that there is even less service available to black and low-income suffers of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In fact, blacks were three times more likely to get no help than white families, and families with incomes below $25,000 were nearly six times less likely to get help than families with incomes of more than $75,000.
As shown by this research, most of the focus when it comes to autism comes for young children. This, of course, is in large part due to the fact that numerous studies have indicated that early intervention can make a big difference for young people suffering from autism.
That being said, young adults are still in desperate need of health services that can help them transition into adulthood with this unfortunate disorder.
Various estimates from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that nearly one of every 110 children suffers from autism. The occurrence of this disorder has increased over the past two decades.
Autism is a neurodevelopment disorder that brings with it problems with speaking and social interaction. Nearly 40 percent of kids who suffer from autism don’t speak, and about 25 to 30 percent lose the ability to speak at some point between the ages of 1 year to 18 months.

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