Linking to BrainPhysics

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Small Box

Instructions: Copy this image to your server. Paste the code below into your HTML document. OCD Site

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<IMG SRC="brainphysics_small.jpg" ALT=" OCD Site" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0>


Instructions: Copy this image to your server. Paste the code below into your HTML document. OCD Site

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<IMG SRC="brainphysics_big.jpg" ALT=" Mental Health Resource" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0>

Text Link

Instructions: Copy and paste the code below into your HTML document.

<A HREF=""> BrainPhysics Mental Health Resource </A>
Information and support for OCD, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and OC spectrum disorders. Articles, books, discussion forum, and personal stories.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Panic Disorder
Panic Attacks
Social Anxiety & Phobia
Taijin Kyofusho
Specific Phobias
Generalized Anxiety
Traumatic Stress Disorders
Major Depressive Disorder
Bipolar Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Tourette Syndrome
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Depersonalization Disorder
Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling)
Compulsive Skin Picking
Nail Biting
Olfactory Reference Syndrome
Sexual Compulsions
Compulsive Gambling
Eating Disorders
Autistic Disorder

Bipolar Disorder
(Manic Depression)
Major Depression
Postpartum Depression
Post-Traumatic Stress
Borderline Personality Disorder
Stress & Stress Relief
Binge Eating Disorder
Female Orgasmic Disorder
Alzheimer's Disease