I can't say I've seen any compulsion for truth that made me think it was unusual
however, Paul always answers truthfully to direct questions. I will look at that
a bit more closely.
This is a good site for parents as well as for OCD sufferers, I can tell.
John 16's mom has a great deal of comfort and wisdom to offer to many many posters
on this board. Thanks for your reply. Comforting to know there's someone else out
there who has been dealing with the same things.
>>��I have been a visitor to this board since January when my son was diagnosed with OCD/& possibly Tourettes (hard to diagnose) right now. He is 9 years old. I have been reading articles pertaining to the possibly connection between strep & OCD. He also had bacterial spinal menigitis at 15 months and later a leg atrophy problem stemming from the menigitis. When he was 3-5 years old we had a problem with the hand washing, then symptoms went away till last year, when he started having recurring thoughts about God & Satan. Then a small vocal tic appeared and that's when we took him to a neurologist who diagnosed him with OCD. He has been on 100 mg of Luvox a day since December and has had no recurring thoughts, except that he must tell me the truth about everything & if someone does something wrong he feels that he must tell me what they did or said. I have had to learn to keep my mouth closed! Which is hard, but he feels betrayed if I tell another mother what her child has done or question the action from another child. Did you ever have this problem with your child? Just curious. Anyway, we go to the doctor Monday & I'll be asking the doctor about the connection between strep & OCD.