��Hey! i'm 18, and i've had this compulsion since I was a kid. this is not a normal thing...... I have obsessions about certain celebrities that I like, and when i listen to music, i feel the need to spin around and 'land' on my bed, over and over again!! if i don't, as soon as I think about the person, or am inspired by events and stuff, i do it. It's almost like an escape; like i can be somebody else.. it seems like I do it mostly when i'm happy, or pumped up about something. i'm not sure if this is just a regular habit, or whether its some sort of personality/OCD thing... i feel like a freak, and i'm trying my best to stop doing it!! it only happens in my room, and if I have the lights down for some reason... I'm okay if i'm at my cottage, or somewhere else.. than I don't do it.. it also seems like it happens when i'm bored and need something to do.... oh yeah, and when i was younger i used to do it on the swings, but have the same reinactments of people or events.... weird. please tell me what it is, and what i can do about it!!