Whether you can add insight to, share your own experiences etc, or simply just know that you are not alone in some of things you may be experiencing/have experienced...
#No thought EVER comes to an end- just goes round and round, and is never FINISHED.
#As a result, not only are you CONSTANTLY THINKING, but you become really anxious/nervey etc. as you feel that you are working/thinking/have a duty/are always in the middle of something/there is always so much left to do or to be done/you never have enough time
#DECISIONS as a result are a total nightmare, and every single consequence of evey single possibility etc. has to be thought through to the end-
#but of course, THERE NEVER IS AN END with this thinking,
and as you go along this path of possibilities, more and more paths branch off from each one, and so you have even more to go down and things to think about
#And so it goes on...
#Can anyone add/share any experiences etc. on wanting everything to "be pure and simple" etc. from within!
#What I suppose I mean by this is that I have this immense need to feel totally pure inside, and have a pure/clean/simple life!
#When I eat ( I have an eating disorder!) I want to eat totally healthy/pure/simple etc. things such as fruit and veg only.
#Any "bad" food or carbohydrates "dirties/messes up" me/my system/life, and sits there not moving- where as pure food flows straight through is "moving" and not sat cluttering up your system or stagnant on my body ie. as in fat
#Exercise is also essential to my life-
#I feel that it "keeps things moving" and rids any stagnant/negative energies. It cleanses me(once again, making me "pure")
#Perhaps WITH ALL OF US it is just the case that whatever our obsession etc. etc. that manifests on the outside( as we're aware we all have our different ones) they do all go back to the SAME CORE PROBLEM which is that of a muddled/chemical deficient mind, which just happen to show themselves in different ways on the outside.
The different obsessions we all have just happen to be different to each of us, according to our external environment/different weaknesses etc.
i.e I worry about my weight, and so my muddled mind immediately homes in on this element/factor to try and express/make sense/alter matters on the inside, by appearing as symptoms on the outside