2. there are other treatment centers out there. go to this website www.ocfoundation.org and get a free referal. what you will do is type in your address and info and they will send you a packet of information regarding doctors in your area who specialize in ocd.
you need to have him see a new doctor if you feel that things arent going well with this one. there are tons of other doctors out there.
yes, there is a critical treatment plan in which you go everyday for two months or so. basically its some really hard cbt/erp. but you have to be ready for it, and face it full on.
i know exactly how he feels. i often tell my girlfriend that im sorry, and i hope that i am not bringing her down. so i know how he feels. but you should stick by him, and know that what he is going through is very hard. once he gets better from all of this, you will notice a great improvement. trust me, i know.
also, the last thing you can do, which i would probably recommend since he having it really bad right now is to go to a psychiatrist. a psychiatrist is able to prescribe medication. ssris such as paxil, zoloft, effexor, and the like can really help ocd symptoms. i know many people who just take medicine and theyve recovered 99%.
so please hang in there with him and dont give up on him. he needs you, and he will get better. just try to comfort him and try to help him get into a better treatment facility if that is what will help him.
good luck, and god bless.
you can e-mail me at [email protected] if you have anymore questions.
>>��my boyfriend (hyperfocus) has visited this chat room several times in the past and he shares his messages and responses with me. we have been dating for about a year and a half and are very close. he started showing signes of HOCD in late Febuary. it has been very hard on both of us and our relationship. even before we knew what HOCD was i have always maintained that he is not gay and that once he got the proper treatment he would be fine. things were hard for the first few months before he was diagnosed and found a therapist who was knowlegdeable about HOCD. he goes to therapy twice a week for an hour at a time,which has helped a little but doesn't seem to be enough. I can't help but think his therapist is a bit dismissive. Everyday is a rollercoster of emotions for him. I've heard of intesive therapy that involves going to a treatment facility every day for several weeks to months. ARe these effective in helpiing people with HOCD? Also sometimes I feel that I cause him undue stress because he thinks he brings me down. Should we spend less time together? I am in college and on summer break right now so since I don't have many obltgiations I end up spending about 20 hours a day with him. He has gotten to the point where he has no other close friends and since he just graduated is trying to find a job, but won't realisticly be able to apply for or keep one because of how much this is crippling him. I try to offer support and love, but I don't know how to be there for him. I don't reassure him anymore and try to stay positive, but more and more often lately I find myself being effected by the rise and fall in his attitude. the man that i fell in love with hardly ever appears anymore. through out this all I still maintain that I he will be fine eventually, but I guess I don't know how to be his friend, companion, and fight for him through all of this. please any advice on anything I have mentioned would be greatly appreicated. Thank you.