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Brain Physics » Depression » I'm always feeling so tired, stressed and have no concentration. I find myself having little interest in studying even when I know it's really important but just can't find the energy. What should I do, I can't go on like this?

I'm always feeling so tired, stressed and have no concentration. I find myself having little interest in studying even when I know it's really important but just can't find the energy. What should I do, I can't go on like this?

Submitted by Amariyah Thu 11/11/2010

When you say you are stressed that implies to me that your life is full of many different stressors. Stressors can include things like changes in job, housing and relationships. In fact, even good changes can be stressful. If you find you are under a lot of stress right now, it would make sense that you are tired and lacking in motivation. The human body can only endure ongoing stress for a limited amount of time before you start to have adverse effects, such as a weakened immune system which can lead to illness, fatigue, and impairments in functioning. Find ways to simplify your life to remove the stressors. Make time for yourself and find something you enjoy doing everyday.

Best of luck,
Dr. Williams

Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology
No Cost OCD Treatment:

I have so little time for myself and when I take the time to sit and read I feel so guilty because there are a million other things I should be doing. My life is so complicated I'm not sure how it's possible to simplify it. I have two disabled siblings and my parents are always arguing. I'm also in my last year of college.
In the past year I have fallen ill so many times. It got so bad last january after 4 months of problems I had my tonsils taken out because my immune system was so weak and this year I've already had 3 different infections.
I'm finding it difficult to cope with and this morning it took me an hour to get out of bed.


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