A. J, Wed, July 17, 2013
Hi I am an 18 almost 19 year old male, I am terrified into thinking I'm turning gay. To make matters worse I have fallen in love with a beautiful woman who I want to be with forever. I have always loved woman and all I want to think about is woman . So anyways I've had this for 3 months and it is killing me!!! I can't look at any guys period , I feel so uncomfortable , my worst fear is losing my beautiful girlfriend :( she has been supportive for me the whole time. I fear that I won't get better and that these thoughts will drive me to insanity !!! I just to feel the same feelings I had before towards my girl and I want to be able to think of have sex with her without getting gay thoughts stuck in my head , they cause me soo much pain and I get soo sick that I want to throw up and be left alone. It kills me to be like this , I can't even hear the word gay without freaking out and getting anxiety. I don't want these thoughts because I'm latterly afraid to look at any guy including my own dad , because my head is telling me I want to live that way but deep down inside I know I am straight because I have never though of guys like that , only girls , and girls are the only ones that turn me on, when my head tells me otherwise I get filled with anxiety . Also people who give crap advice like just accept being gay ? If that's not who I am then why would I do that ? Like really , that makes my anxiety soo bad , so I know that what I'm feeling is not loss of interest in woman , it's my hocd playing mind games . Can anyone help me get over this ?!?!