Epigee Birth Control Guide

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About Birth Control and Responsible Sex

You are encouraged to do your own research if you are interested in learning more about any of the topics discussed in this guide. When looking for references, try to consult objective literature or literature from a variety of viewpoints.

Be careful. Information supplied by a manufacturer of condoms will encourage you to use condoms. Information supplied by an abortion provider will encourage you to become sexually active if you aren't already. For this reason, you may come across a variety of different statistics regarding certain methods of contraception. Read the fine print. Check to see if the statistics cited are among average users or ideal users under research conditions. Have the couples tested been using this method of contraception for more than a year? How old are the women being studied? Have they borne children before? Have couples in the study completed their families, or are they just trying to space their children? All of these things will alter the results of the data.

Although it is important to communicate with your physician about your contraceptive decision, keep in mind that doctors and nurses are not always reliable sources of information. According to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health, clinicians tended to give lowest or lower-than-best failure rates for oral contraceptives and IUDs, higher-than-typical failure rates for condoms, and typical rates for diaphragms and foam. It was concluded that family planners bias their responses extensively in favor of methods doctors provide most frequently -- oral contraceptives and, at that time, IUDs. In spite of their safety, methods like spermicides, condoms, and withdrawal, earned undeservedly low ratings by family planning clinics and doctors offices. Natural family planning, the safest and least expensive of all methods of birth control, is often completely omitted as a valid and effective method of pregnancy prevention. Consult more than one source when considering your contraceptive choices. Following are some resources available to you.


Statistics and Research:

Sexual Health:

Birth Control, General:

On-Line Family Planning Aids:

Natural Family Planning & Breastfeeding:

AIDS & HIV Testing:

Crisis Pregnancy & Pregnancy Testing:       

Pregnant? Think you might be?
Crisis Pregnancy Centers Online
Locate a Pregnancy Resource Center nearest you.



Rape or Sexual Abuse:

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 Updated: February 2, 2002