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What is the Globus Pallidus?
The globus pallidus is part of the brain. It is a subcorticol structure, meaning that it is found deep within the architecture of the brain.
Specifically, within the structures of the brain, the globus pallidus is part of the lentiform nucleus, which itself is part of the brain's striate body—and together they form a major component of the basal ganglia, a region closely connected to several mental disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). This area is also linked to central nervous system disorders such as Parkinson's Disease and even the hereditary disease Huntington's Disease.
The globus pallidus is an area of the brain involved in regulating our voluntary movement, but together and in concert with the cerebellum it also plays a part in our involuntary movement. Thus if the globus pallidus (which means 'pale globe' in Latin; the region is both a pale color and semi-spherically shaped) endures any sort of serious trauma or damage, the result can be any one of many known movement disorders.
At one time within the Parkinson's Disease community, a procedure known as a pallidotomy was commonly performed to relieve the symptoms of Parkinson's—symptoms such as involuntary movements. In this procedure, small lesions are burned into the globus pallidus. The result is to put a stop to those involuntary movements, although the procedure's benefits were not permanent.

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