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DBS for obsessivie-compulsive disorder and other neurological disorders


The Department of Neurosurgery at NYO Langone Medical Center has established a multidisciplinary neuromodulation center for the treatment of complex neurological conditions. These conditions include movement disorders like Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain and psychiatric conditions such as obsessive compulsive disorder and severe depression.

“Neuromodulation includes deep brain stimulation (DBS), spinal cord and peripheral nerve stimulation as well as targeted drug delivery – procedures that are minimally invasive and are safe alternative for those suffering from these conditions,” explained Alon Y. Mogilner, MD, PhD, faculty member, Department of Neurosurgery and director of NYU Langone’s Neuromodulation Center.

DBS uses mild electrical stimulation in coordination with an implanted device on deeper areas of the brain to restore or improve brain function. Depending on the focus of the stimulation, it can also reduce pain by correcting abnormal electrical or chemical activity in the brain. A small pulse-generator is inserted just below the skin by a neurosurgeon which transmits pulses through microelectrodes applied to targeted areas in the brain or along nerves known to be key with the condition the patient has been diagnosed with. The treatment is flexible and customizable since the pulses can be adjusted at any time.

The Center specializes in two techniques, DBS and peripheral neurostimulation (PNS). PNS is a specialty for treating chronic headaches or severe facial pain.

In addition to treating disease, the Center is also conducting research into the effectiveness of DBS in treating disorders such as chronic depression and Tourette’s syndrome. They are also looking into ways to better treat Parkinson’s disease. Eventually, many researchers believe DBS will be key in treating psychiatric disorders and neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

Source: NYU Langone Medical Center

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