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Therapy Dogs Help Autistic Children
Parents find that therapy dogs help their children with autism:
"SHADOW, a black Labrador retriever, knows how to interact with people without overreacting to them — a necessity for a well-trained therapy dog, said her owner and handler, Ani Shaker.
A Promise to Give Away Fortunes Stirs Debate
40 of the wealthiest Americans pledge to give away at least half of their fortunes, about $600 billion. This, and more articles and multimedia about philanthropy.
Considered “bombproof,” meaning she will remain calm in nearly any situation, Shadow, and Ms. Shaker, volunteer at the Anderson Center for Autism in Staatsburg, N.Y., in the Hudson Valley north of New York City.
“As soon as I get her working vest out, she jumps up and her little tail starts wagging,” Ms. Shaker said. “She loves the work. That’s what she lives for, and I can tell she knows she is helping someone else feel good.”
Shadow and Ms. Shaker, an equestrian trainer, are one of six teams that have been volunteering at the Anderson Center for two years. They are part of the Good Dog Foundation, a nonprofit based in New York that provides therapy services throughout the East Coast."
Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/11/giving/11DOGS.html?_r=2&partner=TOPIXN...
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