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Is this normal? - HOCD
Hey again! This is the last time writing here, I promise! Or... Well, MAYBE my last time, haha :)
Anyway, I was just wondering if it's normal to sometimes feel nervous around girls if you're a girl. Like I always feel nervous around older girls, like my best friends older sister if she's like really pretty and stuff and it's not like ''Oh, I gotta make myself look pretty for her'' but it's more ''I want her to like me and think I'm cool'' but that's normal right? But of course I always get anxiety around girls nowadays because I'm afraid I'm gonna be attracted to them but the anxiety makes me think I AM in fact attracted to them.
I'm doing better thought, I keep the words ''Hope, peace, love, freedom'' in my mind all the time and I just surround myself with positive things :)
It's really bugging me though this nervous around girls thing :/ Would love any advice! Thank you!
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Hi Lovelovelove, Yes, what
Hi Lovelovelove,
Yes, what you are describing is perfectly normal! Lots of girls your age (and even older and younger) want others (of the same sex) whom they admire or look up to, to think they're cool and like them. It doesn't mean you're gay nor does it mean you're attracted to them in a sexual or romantic way. Remember, also, that you can think another female is attractive without being attracted to her.
I'm really glad you are doing better. It sounds like you are keeping yourself grounded, and surrounding yourself with positive things sounds like it is working for you!
Dr. Lane
hi lovelovelove, you do
hi lovelovelove,
you do sound better, I agree with dr.lane, I doubt you like them, if you were actually a homo, it would not only be nervousness. I havent posted in a long time, since the last time I posted, I have had my ups and downs, somedays I am 100% free of OCD thoughts or is reassured so that I dont have OCD thoughts. I know deep down that I like girls, and I could only fall in love with a girl and not another dude. Some days are worse, somedays I am completely suicidal. I am still on therapy, I have found that medication is the only way I am able to function. I dont know what to do anymore, I am stuck on medication, I dont want to end up as a med addict. I need two things medication and lots of reassurance. I am scared of two things: sexual thoughts and HOCD spikes. I hate sexual thoughts, I wish I was asexual, I dont care what type of sexual thoughts they are, it doesnt matter, it makes me scared and disgusted. I WISH I was asexual. It use to be what stops me from committing suicide was the fact that I would have to leave Tay behind, but now I am over that, I dont want to commit suicide because I dont want people to say, "oh what a poor person" and shake their damn heads. I hate that shit, I hate their pity. I have always hated pity for as long as I remember. Anyways I am really messed up in the head. Somebody on the other forum said something about electroshock therapy? I was wondering if any of you have heard about electroshock? I am going to ask my therapist about it. I dont know if it would treat OCD. but what ever.
I know the procedure TMS
I know the procedure TMS works for OCD. But nothing works better than ERP and CBT with someone who ACTUALLY knows what they are doing. Interview your doctor if they just 'say' they do OCD but can't back it up with a treatment plan, history, etc then they are not worth one minute of your time