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im 17 yrs old and i bite and pick at the skin around my fingernails everyday and i also sometimes bite the inside of my cheek and my lip but not as often as my fingernails i just wanted to know does this mean i really have a disorder?

If you bite and pick at your

If you bite and pick at your skin frequently enough for it to cause visible damage, and for you to be distressed by it, then you do have a disorder. Compulsive skin picking and biting is an impulse disorder called dermatillomania or onychophagia. It is very common for people who have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) to have these problems, although they are different disorders. The cause of dermatillomania is probably a combination of stress and a natural vulnerability to problems like this . There are several reasons why people pick at their skin. For example, it could be for self soothing stimulation, or perfectionism. Learn more about skin picking at: http://www.brainphysics.com/skin-picking.php

Best of luck,
Dr. Williams

Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist specializing in OCD

Please Help Me

I'm 18 years old and I've been biting and picking the skin on my fingers since I was about 8 years old. I do it practically everyday and it's literally ruining my life. I can't afford treatment but I desperately want to stop. Please help!

Hi Button616, It sounds like

Hi Button616,

It sounds like may have a disorder known as dermatillomania, also known as compulsive skin picking (CSP). It is a type of impulse control disorder.

Since you can't afford treatment I suggest you go to this site: http://www.skinpick.com/ It is a great resource for people with this disorder.

One of the things you can do to help keep yourself from picking your skin is to keep your hands busy. Some people keep a koosh ball or a hand grip with them. Other types of finger toys can be helpful as well.

I hope this helps and I wish you the best!

Dr. Lane

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