What is the likely hood that a man with hoarding ocd and contolling issues will become violent after loosing his job when thats all he has, has no family, is single with no children is 54 yrs old and a physican.

It is really impossible to

It is really impossible to predict who will become violent, even for mental professionals. Age, profession, and family configuration are not much help in making such a prediction. The best predictor of violent behavior would be a past history of violence, especially when under stress. That being said, violence is not a typical symptom of OCD. Most people with OCD work very hard to prevent bad or violent things from happening to themselves or the people they care about.
If you are worried about someone in particular, it might be a good idea to talk to him and see how he is feeling. You might ask how you can help and go from there. If you feel unsafe around this person, then it might be better to stay away.
Best of luck,
Dr. Williams

Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist specializing in OCD

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