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Brain Physics » Treatment » I am a middle child and have been reserching this. I have many of the issues that are associated with this syndrome. Very much do things alone and alway have. Should I seek treatment for this. I am 53 years old and recently went through a very emotion

I am a middle child and have been reserching this. I have many of the issues that are associated with this syndrome. Very much do things alone and alway have. Should I seek treatment for this. I am 53 years old and recently went through a very emotion

Submitted by glenn Beausoleil Fri 06/25/2010

Focus less on birth order and more on the specific things that are bothering you. If being a loner is something that you want to change then you can do it. If you like being a loner than don't get treatment for it. A
person's desire to be with others is on a continuum. Some people are naturally extroverted and some are naturally introverted. There is nothing wrong with either approach. It is only a problem if either you don't like people at all, or you want to be with people but can't because of social anxiety. In either of those cases you should seek therapy from a competent therapist to get you on the right track. The bottom line is, if you don't like something about yourself you can change it.

Best of luck,
Dr. Williams

Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology
No Cost OCD Treatment:

So birth order has no dealing with one's behavior and personality. Thank you for taking time from your busy day and weekend to reply to me. Happiness to you Dr. Williams.



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