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Suffering from Bipolar from last 3-4 years. Having chnged medicine several times. Right now going through Depression for past 6 months with no cure. Feeling very low on confidence. Having a social phobia. dont know wat to do? Please advise

I am very sorry to hear about

I am very sorry to hear about your difficulties at the moment. As I am sure you know Bipolar Disorder is quite debilitating and usually requires medication to be properly controlled. With proper supervision you can get your Bipolar under control but it can’t really be cured. Maybe if the medications you have been taking haven’t been right, and perhaps you should consider seeing a new psychiatrist. They might have a different medication to recommend that would work better for you. If meds don’t work, there are additional measures that are more aggressive.

While Bipolar can’t really be cured and generally needs medication, there are ways to treat your other symptoms naturally via a psychologist. So, I feel it would be very important if suffering from Bipolar to have someone for medication but also a person for therapy as well. You mention having Social Phobia, which is actually very treatable without medication. Tackling a problem such as this and removing other stressors in your life with the help of a therapist may help with the severity of your Bipolar. It is important that you always closely monitor your Bipolar for any changes in mood.

Best of luck,
Dr. Williams

Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist specializing in OCD

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