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i had depression in 1998. after 3 years i got recovery fully from the depression . 2nd depression period was 2004 . i got merried i am completely overcome now.and my life is happy ,is there any chance of another depression period?i was so worried in past

Unfortunately the biggest

Unfortunately the biggest predictor of having a major depressive episode is having prior major depressive episodes. Depression tends to be episodic and may come and go without a clear reason. It would be reasonable to expect that you will have another bout of depression in your lifetime. However, if you figured out the cause of the previous depressive episodes and have changed your way of coping and your outlook on life, that may reduce your risk of becoming depressed again. It is possible t overcome depression and it is not inevitable that you will become depressed again if you continue to do the things that help you stay on top.

Best of luck,
Dr. Williams

Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist specializing in OCD


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