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What disorder is this?
I read the responses to the 3 guys that have obsession's with attractive girls. I don't have this problem that they do but I do no some girls that have had this type of things happen to them. Meaning one girl I went to high school with there was also this boy I also went to high school with really had a hard crush on her and did not even no her and started to come on way to strong. He wonted to go out with her and it got around school really quick and she already knows he likes her and he started calling her 24/7 and not saying anything at all. I don't think he was prank calling her. I think he did it cause he wonted to talk to her but he was scared to talk to her so he did not say anything at all. He would buy her things getting the teacher to give it to her cause he was scared to talk to her and he would just keep on buying her things but finally he would move on to the next person and do the same thing. Also he would walk the halls idk why he did it truely I think it was cause he was wonting to look for girls and when he was in class he could not focus either maybe also he thought about girls 24/7 also idk and idk what he does by himself or what he watched or why he watched it but I no he was really into girls. He was really nice to everyone and could make friends with guys and girls that he was not attracted to but he was way into girls. If he was not way into girls so much he would probably would of had a girlfriend cause he was really nice and most girls thought he was cute when they first meet him but he always came on to strong and girls find that as a turn off and maybe also lost them as a friend or the chance to get and no them. There was also this other guy I went to college with but I don't no him and a girl I no and he came in her teachers class one day that's how he met her and started coming in before the class started over and over again like he was seeing the teacher but he was coming in there cause she was in there and he would seat down talk to her and then one day he stabbed her tires on her car so he could talk to her. There are other's I no and girls dont like this kind of things and I wont to tell the 3 that have this issue or if there is 1 of you and the other's are making fun of him cause I agree with you dr. lane it is kind of strange that 3 people would have the same problem in less then 1 day anyway I wont to say first you have to find out what disorder you have before you worry about what meds you should be on. Yall never said what disorder yall have. Yall just asked what medication you should be on. All the meds you have talked about helps the same problem and alot of meds are in the same family and are the same thing. 1 medication just helps 1 person better then the other. You just have to do a trail on a medication intell you find one that helps you the best. I wont everyone 2 have the best life and see everyone that has this problem 2 get help and where they can find there perfect mate and for girls not have to deal with this. I been looking for what disorder this is for along time and I had happen to run into this site and see those post and thought I should make a post about this issue. Dr. Lane what disorder do you think this is? I would like to no so I can help people that to go threw this problem cause I am going to college to be a psychrtrist. Also like to see everyone happy and follow there dreams and follow jesus christ and if they wont to get married see them find there perfect mate.
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Hi CubbiesFan86, This type of
Hi CubbiesFan86,
This type of obsessive stalking (or coming on too strong behavior) isn't a specific "disorder" in and of itself. It could be due to a variety of things, including a symptom of another disorder. That's why I can't recommend a specific medication because I would need to know the cause (e.g. if it is due to delusional disorder or a personality disorder).
That being said, I doubt medication is going to be very helpful in many cases. It might help a little, but again, it depends on what is really being treated.
Obsessive stalking (or stalking in general, as stalking by its very nature is almost always obsessive) and the behaviors of some guys you have known are not really the same (if I followed your post correctly).
But, the behaviors described by the other posters could be due to several things including delusional disorder, antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic perosnality disorder, schizophrenia, or OCD (or a combination of any of those disorders if someone has more than one diagnosis). The less severe behavior you described could be due to a combination of low self-esteem and very poor social skills, as well as a lack of good boundaries and self-awareness.
So, the best recommendation I have for anyone with these tendencies, whether mild or severe, is to have an evaluation with a very experienced mental health professional. On the mild end of the continuum, the prognosis is likely very good with therapy. On the more extreme end, the prognosis may not be very good in many cases. It depends on a variety of factors.
I hope this helps answer your question.
Dr. Lane